surf camp siberut

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contact me [email protected] or +6281374006060,Mentawai islands with my surf camp in siberut islands close wave like e?bay, beng-beng, nipussi, pitstop just onfoot.With my price cheaper price only $ 500 (USA) 1 person to 12 days, including = breakfast, lunch, dinner, stay, pick up, service/guide, ticket ferry boat, snack, fruit, meal

Max = 6 surfer and min = 5 surfer

Mentawai islands with my surfer camp have facilities = electricily from 6 am until 10 pm, fan, shower, referigerator

Meals Menu (example) in my surf camp1) Breakfast: 1 cup of Coffee mix / tea, Oats / Pan Cake, Omlett, fried rice, fried noodle2) Lunch: Steamed rice, fish/chicken, egg, vegetables, snack and water3) Dinner: Rice/pasta, soup/curry, fish/chicken, dessert and water

N?t INClUDING =>1).speed boat from=> muara siberut to surf camp siberut then surf camp siberut to muara siberut2).speed boat around wave3) porter4)mentawai tax


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